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On the Ball

Roll out of bed and onto the ball. Explore Bartenieff Fundamentals and Somatic Movement Explorations on the Ball to support body connectivity, from function to expression. A Physiotherapy ball (55 to 65 cm) is required along with an assortment of 2 or 3 smaller hand-held sized balls. 

Monday Mornings:  9:00-10:00am (PST)

stay tuned for next series

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Soma Sequences:
on the Floor

Roll out of bed and onto the floor to join Donna for Developmental Movement and Bartenieff Fundamentals (BF). Sequences will focus on body organization (part to whole), body phrasing, rolling, weight shifting, and propulsion (all BF concepts). 

Tuesday Mornings:  9:00-10:00am (PST)

4 week series

Fall Series 1:  Oct. 3rd to Oct. 24th, 2023

Fall Series 2:  Nov. 7th to Nov 28th, 2023

$70 per 4 class session

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More to come....

More online classes and workshops to be programmed...









stay tuned for more...

Payment for online class is paid via E-transfer or by cheque (mailed to Donna) only.

Choreography Walks:  Dancing Alone Together

A Somatic-based Dance Composition Workshop

taught and designed by Donna Redlick 

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Three Friday Mornings:

For dancers with some experience


Zoom Classes

June 12th, 19th, 26th 2020 



Walking Scores will be sent one week prior to class. 


Sliding Scale Fee:  $60-$80

*This is a reduced fee during Covid Isolation - regular fee would be $140.00.


No drop-in allowed. Students must register for three-week workshop. 


Open to 8 students only.

First come first serve. 


Payment must be made via E-transfer directly to Donna or by cheque mailed to Donna. 




How it works:


Part One: Choreography Walk (Alone) 

Donna sends you dance compositional tasks, along with a dance score, one-week before the online Zoom class begins. Tasks are based on inspirations found from both nature and the cityscape around you. You will put the tasks in motion as you do an embodied walk through your neighbourhood to create short dance compositions based on the 'open' dance score Donna provides. You will need to schedule at least one to two hours for yourself to complete the movement tasks before the group class takes place on Friday morning. Movement Scores and tasks will build over the course of three weeks. 


Part Two: Developing Dance Compositions (Together) Online via Zoom

Bring the 'parts' in process that you shaped from your choreography walk and together we will develop upon them through compositional exercises based around the notion of theme and variation. Sharing and feedback is part of the process to engage students to edit and develop their dance scores. The class is kept to a min of 8 students so that each student has a chance to share their works-in-progess and receive feedback from Donna and other students. 


Part Three (pending/ optional): An Outdoor Sharing 

We may meet outdoors at a designated time and space (after the last class) to share our compositions with each other. This will be decided with the group at the last class. Physical distance and safety measures will be addressed and taken into consideration. 


This workshop is for those who want to explore a committed choreographic process.


Students should have an intrigue for dance improvisation and the creative process - with a somatic approach, and be able to work independently in preparation for the Friday Classes. 


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